Things You Need to Know about E-commerce in Saudi Arabia

by | Dec 6, 2018 | E-commerce and Technology | 0 comments

December 6, 2018

E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia | Over the years, trading has evolved worldwide. Advancement in technology has taken it to another level making it possible to do business without physical contact. Saudi Arabia too has embraced this technology. However, that is not a smooth sail. They still have a long way to go to overcome challenges. Generally, all the problems revolve around mistrust and delivery issues. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1. Pessimism Towards Local Companies

Even if someone has never tried a local brand, he or she will still be hesitant to trade online. Users tend to underestimate the capabilities of their domestic companies. International brands trying their hand in E-commerce in Saudi Arabia are doing better compared to the local ones.

2. Mistrust of Online Payment

Most people don’t want their details to be exposed online. This makes most customers suspicious. However, the same users don’t seem to have a problem paying for their flights online. They also have no problem settling other bills like hotel bills online. This raises questions on why they don’t trust their details with E-commerce brands. Besides fearing for their account details’ confidentiality, it is an uphill task acquiring a card with online payment options.

3. Language Barrier During Delivery

Most drivers employed here are not natives. A significant number of them are not Arabic speakers. Therefore, there could be a challenge when the driver wants to communicate with the recipient. The newly introduced formal addresses have not been well received yet. You find that most people don’t even know their correct addresses.

What can be done for E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia?

Writing reviews of online purchases in Arabic is one strategy that influences users. When written in other languages, the influence is not as effective as compared to when reviewed in Arabic. Rules and Regulations should also be put in place to ensure users only shop from sites that comply with the law.

To know more about E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia rules and regulation, Visit  Nasreen Alissa Law Firm.

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